Tuesday, 28 February 2012


All groups, societies, have a culture. This information talks about Cultural Influence. Every person is shaped by their culture. Expectations about characteristics and behaviors appropriate to women or men and about the relations between women and men are shaped by culture. Gender identities and gender relations are serious aspects of culture because they shape the way daily life is.

For an example, a person may actively resist their culture: the man who wants to cry in a culture where ' big boys don't cry'. Mourning fulfills the responsibilities of others; it emphasizes the external expressions of grief.  In some countries, the well-to-do woman was expected to mourn the death of her husband's father for a longer period than the death of her own baby. Talking about role of mourners, upper-class females were not allowed to attend any social events for the specified period of mourning.
Gender is the social identity of men as well as women. The way there are cultural norms and expectations about women’s roles, there are also cultural norms and expectations of men as leaders, husbands, sons and lovers that are shaped by their behavior.
Every different groups, societies, and communities have their own beliefs.  Cultural background can also affect how a person understands and approach the sorrow procedure. Culture is the behaviors and beliefs characteristic of a particular social, ethnic, or age group. Culture teaches people how to behave, and it conditions their reactions.

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